Sunday 19 January 2020

Murphy's Law

“It was GRAVITY.”

Space expedition is something that aspires so many of us, the unseen frontiers that is out there to be found!
There are plenty of theories and discovery that has let us closer to the faraway galaxies and stars, and there are a number of people who are working hard day and night making it possible.

LIGO, the Hubble telescope, the imaging of Black Hole, the ISS, SpaceX's falcon, the satellite launches that take place every now and then from the corners of the world; everything brings us closer to the unknown and uncharted. When we talk about gravity, the two ‘N’ that would come- Newton and Nolan! That is definitely Science and Fiction, fair enough.

The theories of Wormholes, singularity, 5D, time dilation, black holes, and moreover the story of the future, it was all there in the movie- INTERSTELLAR.

The portrayal of Murphy's Law, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, by having one of the characters named as Murph...Ahh!
Cooper and Brand, having their differences too, they ended up being there for each other, finding another solar system for human survival, carrying out their “plan B”.
When the complete earth was suffocating and was to die, one person changed it, solved the mystery of the constant time, the delusional concept that the professor created to give a Hope. The Sliding back to Gargantua, how Cooper helped Murph being her ghost, the singularity, the black hole, the TIME.

Since it was fiction it had the elements of a typical movie, such as betrayal, love, sacrifice but the filming was done so right, for a moment, you won't believe that it's not true.
The part where, the team had a discussion on visiting Millers, Mann or Edmunds’ planet, Brand said," Love is the one thing that we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space.”  Later we found out that she was indeed right!

The robots TARS and CASE wonderfully included in the plot- how they helped Cooper all the time, giving an epic dialogue, “Absolute honesty isn't always the most diplomatic nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings.”
Cooper: Okay, 90 percent it is.

Coming to the very familiar lines from Dylan's poem- Do not go gentle into that good night, how precisely were they used.

The love between a father and daughter, the promise, the analogue watch, the Morse Code, and that ending dialogue at the Cooper's Station- “And everyone, once a child, wants to look into their own dad’s eyes and know he saw. But, usually, by then, the father is gone. Nobody believed me, but I knew you’d come back.”
Because my dad promised me.”

Here, have a look at this trailer:

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