Sunday 2 February 2020



Into the infinite,
Ready to explore,
Listening to the cacophony of explosions,
Recontouring universal folklore!

The universe we live in may not be the only one out there. There could be other galaxies besides our own, where all the choices we made in this life, played out in alternate realities. This is the concept of a parallel universe and a facet of the astronomical theory of the Multiverse. 

The Mediocrity Principle suggests that planets like earth should be common in the universe. Multiverse should have Earth analogs.

Earth analog is a planet or moon with environmental conditions similar to those found on earth. Exoplanets like Gliese 667Cc, Kepler 22b, Kepler 69c, Kepler 62f, Kepler 186f, Kepler 452b, etc. are Earth analogs.

These planets are situated more than 1000 light-years away from us and are capable of sustaining life. The pristine expanse of darkness is home to coruscating star, craggy planets, incandescent meteors, dazzling galaxies, devouring black holes, glittering cosmic dust and what not? In the true, eternal and unique beauty of cosmos lies all the secrets untold.

We can create Earth analogs by TERRAFORMATION. Terraformation is the hypothetical process of deliberately modifying the atmosphere, temperature, surface topography or ecology of a planet or any heavenly body to be similar to the environment of Earth to make it sustainable. The same technology was used in the movie STAR TREK, which gave birth to a new planet 'GENESIS'. 

What if we can use the same process and Mars would become home to living spirits? Unfortunately to date terraforming the red planet is a hypothetical process. With advancements in technology, we can establish hospitable conditions. 

The very idea of colonizing Mars is fascinating and bizarre. 

"NUKE MARS" is on Elon Musk's wish list. This concept is apparently still bouncing around in Musk's head and he is leaving no stone unturned to make it happen. 

Nuking Mars would melt the polar ice caps and release gases that would thicken the atmospheric layer, maintaining the optimum temperature. Other important factors should also be kept in mind while transforming the inhospitable Martian atmosphere to sustain life.

Beyond the mesmerizing beauty of cosmos lies uncharted territories to be explored.

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