Sunday 19 April 2020


That was the name of my app. One idea that had germinated in my head since my college days, I finally took the plunge and made it. It was inspired by my blind grandmother, she always had trouble doing things due to the blindness. May she rest in peace. 

I had done years of research, I wanted to make a portable kit that people could carry and use easily. I had made a pendant, it had a 180 degree wide lens fitted in it, and usually gave good insight. The idea was that the pendant paired with earphones and a mobile app, when triggered would find a random person who would volunteer to be the “eyes’ of the person. They would help the blind in basic tasks like shopping and stuff.

I had made the app, it was in trial phase. We definitely had a positive response from the general public with a lot of people volunteering to be the eyes of people in need. It was pretty wholesome.

We started out by giving few of the pendants out for free to some elderly citizens. It was going well, until one day I wanted to try the app out for some testing related purpose. 

The woman I had volunteered for was going to the store, she wanted a person to guide her through the process. She went inside, and suddenly everything was chaos. I saw a man, wearing black, carrying a gun right in front of her. He suddenly fired up in the air and asked everyone to hand over their phones as they were going to keep hostages and did not want police knowing about it.

My mind started racing, I could hear everything, I wanted to reassure her knowing that she could hear me, I told her to keep her calm. It was a jewelry store and they could potentially take goods worth millions. I called the police. I told them about the situation inside the store. 

They wanted to intervene, but decided on the contrary due to the presence of hostages. They were not eager to face the robbers as it would mean putting the life of the hostages in danger. It was looking hopeless when I explained the situation, I told them about the woman with the camera. I suggested sending in some men without being noticed. They made a plan to rescue the ones inside. They had constant access to the pendant-camera that the woman had, and through the airpods, we gave instruction to her. She provided us with the perfect view and helped determine the location of robbers. 

After a lot of speculation, we went ahead with the plan. It could be executed perfectly only because we had that one blind woman by our side. That one brave woman who didn’t lose her calm even in the times of crisis.

Well, who knew that even the blind could guide the way for better.