Sunday 31 May 2020

All of the Stars-1

Camera’s clicked, delegates all around, little Peter was excited to see his sister at the TV, all over the news, little did he know what for. Life after that local daily, was a different though. Peter has grown old now to understand everything that brought her into the limelight in the twenties. As IEEE SB NITP moves ahead to complete its fifty blogs we present you the story of Ema!

2015, Ema was all set to venture into a strange discovery now; clueless of what her findings will be, what that graph would mean, silently, as silence was never awkward, never intrusive, never noisy, supporting whilst Ed Sheeran played in the background; softly, in her workspace.

The world was not ending actually, but the man’s greed was unending and the mission was all about creating a Dyson Sphere or say another Earth, another habitat, a secret annexe for the tasc force and if needed an abode for the homosapiens. World’s best scientists and physicists were a part of this mission, different backgrounds but all tied up with a common thread of a vision, a dream not deferred and a quench for a new living.

Over those amorphous years when science had just begun working, when exploration was full of exclamations and no full stops; Ema was glad to brim upto the edges, boundaries, borders, brinks and limits she never thought of about the Stark Space Force’s CETI Division.

However, Ema had a different plight. Inspite of the fact that she was a college student, what brought her the email from the Mission Secretary was her passion in the quantum realm, the stars and the extra-terrestrial intelligence which reflected from her trending Wordpress those days.

Days passed and she enjoyed being at the station, working and helping with the logics, exosemiotics and algorithm communication systems (ACETI). She was loved by all and she made friends easily. The physicists called her a chatbot. All those findings and discussions at the station seem very normal to her except the Escapalator, an unknown deemed to be a communication device by a crazy scientist that seemed different and driving. Ema used to find ways to explore that whenever everyone went for breaks. Inquisitiveness is also a ladder, like chaos. You climb it up all the way to be amused, fearing any catastrophe knock at the door of our lives. And one usual day, dazzling yellow- blue rays emerge from the machine and this graph appeared;

She was filled with fear. She took away the print-out, switched-off the machine and ran from there. She kept on reading and exploring the untouched dimensions assuming the graph to be a machine running rating. Two days passed. Finally she gathered the courage to come back to the station on the third day. But she was unusually silent that day. Things bubbled up in her mind, but she could not question. She was silent like a bubble floating on a sea of noise.

This however did not kill Ema’s search for the unexplored, ‘I can see the stars from America, I wonder, do you see them too?...’ humming as she looked into the sky with the telescope, the beautifully formed constellations and that falling star like a slanting silver rope on the loose earth seemed a message, while another graph came out of the machine. 

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