Sunday 14 June 2020


Isis was looking at the prodigious Pacific Ocean. The moonlight was shimmering as the waves capered. As the dawn cracked, stars faded and the moon melted in the caressing rays of the sun. The dancing waves were raconteuring the tales of Poseidon, with each tempestuous stroke on the cliff. She saw that the water was changing color. It turned from pristine to turquoise to murky green to aquamarine to cerulean. 

She thought this might be due to the particular species of phytoplankton present in the ocean. But this type of phytoplankton was found only in the Aegean Sea, near Santorini Island. A chill went down her spine. She was not in the Pacific Ocean. She was lost. When she turned around, a gargantuan wave took her along into the depths of the sea. She was now 100,000 feet underwater. Despite being under immense pressure, she never felt so relaxed. The ethereal feeling abandoned her when she forced her eyes to allow the hue of haze. She was in Atlantis!

The city lost millennia ago, the city of Poseidon. The colossal palace of Atlantis which sank in a day and night stood with pride as it had 96000 years ago. Cyclops, nymphs, mermaids, Pegasus, and other creatures had welcomed her with a garland of conch shells. She saw a turtle that was different from the normal species, was changing the colors of the sea. The colors were changing according to his sense of danger surrounding this splendid world. The color-changing turtle was coming towards Isis, she saw a brain wave telemetry on his back. 

It was the same turtle she was studying last year to interpret the behavior of this peculiar turtle and to alter its genome by exposing it to high gamma radiation because it's gene had a totally different pattern. Instead of having from 28-66 chromosomes, it had 120. Almost double of what one turtle has. It was not some usual turtle looking turtle, it had the head of a fish, the body of an octopus, and speed of turtles, which intrigued the Sherlock inside Isis.

He introduced himself as Chelone and greeted her and with a warm smile. He talks too! He told Isis about the jeopardy threatening the existence of life underwater, caused by human intervention in the realm of the Sea God. Isis knew about the situation. The dilemma of helping life underwater and human beings were ripping her apart from choosing sides. Chelone briefed about the plan of Poseidon to attack homo sapiens for they have tolerated enough. Poseidon has declared a war on the inhabitants of Earth. Tsunamis and earthquakes were common to hear. Hundreds of thousands of people died, for nature requires balance, it has to be the survival of the fittest.

 Humans have dominated themselves on nature, they had to pay the price. They intervene in the restricted zones and call it curiosity, they exploit and call it development. The most beautiful creation of God, Humans have indeed proved themselves the most dangerous, selfish, and insane species. The rage of the sea God made human beings an endangered species. The wrath of the Sea God eradicated the very presence of the smartest species in history. 

Darkness eloped Isis and she was lying unconscious on Santorini Island. When Isis woke up, she was in the hospital. Her years of research and hard work got her a Nobel prize in biology. Isis had discovered a new species of turtles and altered their genome. This particular species survived on plastic. They consumed plastic and produced a protein to treat cancer. This new species was called Chelone.

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