Sunday 19 July 2020

420 VS. 421

Galactica Brigand 420

Welcome to the universe of robbers. Here you will find a variety and creativity in heists. This particular galaxy is a duplicitous pirate in the ocean of the universe. 

Intriguingly they do not steal money or precious elements neither do they ransack spaceships, they embezzle time! 

I have covered one such bewildering heist for you. Hold tight because you are stepping into the realm of alienated and dreadful robbers. 

Barbarossa was planning a maestoso attack on galaxy 421 when he stumbled across an idea of destroying it with a snap of his fingers. 

He consulted his friend Jack, who's the well-known dacoit in the entire universe. They assembled a team of renowned galactic brigands and started training them. 

This was going to be the stupendous heist in the history of the universe. 420 vs 421.

Galactica Ruffian 421

The silence was still, under the flawless light of stars. The colossal galaxy stood stunning in the vast expanse of space. The galaxy was about to meet its end and the wrath of time. But 421 ruffians were clever. 

They had their spies, who informed them of a secret attack by the brigands of 420. Peaceful they seemed, but this was the silence before a catastrophe. 

As the 420 alien bandits installed their time embezzling instrument, they were attacked by ruffians of 421.

A bullet was fired from the gun of Qamara, the obsolete foe of Barbarossa. The bullet landed right into the forehead of Barbarossa and with that ended his plan to go for a time heist. 

The mighty, legendary, God of brigands was dead. Jack was delighted, now he won't have to share the wealth with someone. 

It was all his own. As they initiated the accelerator of the weapon, 421 ruffians smashed the time stone with the scythe of Odin. All the time that 420 brigands had stolen, was eradicated and everything was torn apart.

The other galaxies they had looted before were formed again which was inhabited by a new species, homo sapiens. It was a bizarre, and a diverse specie. 

421 ruffians decided to protect the universe from brigands like 420 and maintain peace and harmony in the universe. The humans named this cataclysmic event of destruction of time stone, the big bang theory. 

They are very strange creatures. They predict things and somehow prove them. I mean it is easy to predict and prove, but they never tried to comprehend the truth behind the creation of this colloquial realm they live in.

No restrictions, no protocols, just their own rules started by them and for them. They have immense potential to transform the facade of the entire cosmos and make things just as they were in elder days. 

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