Sunday 12 July 2020


After receiving my honours from the Cambridge School of Business Management, I started missing my family and aroma of Indian cuisines. Now I am exhausted running behind my career and strategically planning my proceedings for a better career graph. It's time for this bird to reach its nest and laze.

When I discussed this plan with my parents, soon came a very big shopping list, demanding to buy all novelties and crockery being sold in London. Packing all my stuff, winding up all chores I have reached the airport.

The long checking lanes sulked me, as I couldn't restrain myself anymore. After wandering for three and a half hours at the airport, finally I boarded the flight. Only one thought "I will see my parents and my brother" is running in my mind.

I endeavoured a lot to kill the time, but nothing happened. I tried sleeping, listening to music, but I was accustomed to check the time passed. I don't know if it was fortune or misfortune, but then came a bird to add some spice to my journey.

The crew informed us, a bird was stuck in the airplane wheels, making it impossible for the pilots to land the flight. This line annoyed me the most. But I can't do anything, other than to face the circumstances.

Soon my co-passengers started screaming out of fits of impatience and fear, which tensed me a lot. I have noticed a few people chanting mantras, so that God comes in rescue, while others started thinking about their responsibilities, ambitions, and fantasies. Even I don't know when I started praying, being an atheist.

A few minutes later to my disguise the lights on the right verge of the plane started blinking, terrifying me again. I was very frightened, more than watching a horror movie night.

The pilots reached the nearby airport and the airport authorities were trying their level best to help. Through the front cameras inserted above the wheels, a prediction was made that a heavy bird was sitting on wheels, which made the landing impossible.

Then came an eagle, few people in my cabin started calling it Garud Vahan of Lord Vishnu which was sent to rescue them. I was perplexed whether to believe them or not. Many people started screaming, noticing the eagle heading towards the wheels.

Now all of a sudden they became chameleons calling the bird a devil. The bird flew around the flight a number of times and we were flabbergasted by the skin texture of the bird. We were eagerly waiting to see it every time, it approaches our side, but couldn't find anything significant about it, because of its flying speed.

It flew for about half an hour and by that time, I started imagining myself in the shoes of a fish caught in the cyclonic eye. By this time the pilots, started panicking about the emptying of fuel.

They predicted that they could fly for another twenty minutes in the air and not beyond it. I started counting my last. And it was very much difficult to go through the situations that I have never imagined. It was completely heartbreaking and disappointing.

At this moment, I started weeping, remembering my family, and the troubles I have been giving them being self-centered. I was left with ten more minutes.

I was sulking and on the other hand, pilots and crew were making arrangements for the emergency exit. I then started reading all procedures in the manual given and was boosting my confidence to do this.

Then we came to know that the bird sitting on the front wheel flew away. The pilots made all the arrangements for landing and to my fortune, we landed just two minutes before the end time.

All my co-passengers were overwhelmed by the success and all the credits for success were given to the bird which resembled Garud. Then I came to knew that it was a robotic bird that was designed to check that they are no birds in the landing zone, to make the landing smooth.

Then we were explained the way we were helped. It was made to fly continuously around the plane to detect the obstacles with the help of IR sensors inserted all over its body and with the cameras inserted in its eyes and wings.

The detected information is transmitted effectively through radio waves. And the bird is operated by engineers to constantly look for hurdles created and predict its way. The bird amazed me with its features.

And finally, I reached my place but was completely exhausted after traveling for 17 hours instead of 7.5 hours. And when I started opening everything I brought from Cambridge, I found a soup bowl broken in crockery brought.

But I'm glad that I reached my place safely and have learnt to maintain happy relations with everyone because we can't be judgemental about the turns that take in our life.