Sunday 26 July 2020


You must have seen a volcano, like a normal one or a super active volcano or whatever. Have you ever seen a guitar-shaped volcano? I can bet most of you have not.

Somewhere around 100,000 BCE, there was an island in the heart of the pacific ocean. The waters were deeper than the memories of the elder days. The skies seemed to be just above the oceans and clouds formed rings of smoke near the water surface. 

There was a portentous mountain-shaped piece of rock at the center of the Ocean. No one knew what exactly it was, until one day Zoe saw some strange musical fireworks emanating from the topmost part of the giant boulder. She was stunned by the view. It was as if, the Olympians had won a war and the universe is celebrating for it. 

She thought why not go on a quest to explore the paradigm of beguiling grace. She wanted to know if there is napalm inside because the island on the other side looked green. She named the island Volcanus Symphonia. 

The next day she went there, the place was breathtakingly beautiful. Zoe could hear a symphony playing in the background and it had it's hypnotizing effect on her. It was a relaxing and harmonious tune. 

When she saw the boulder from the ground, it looked like a musical instrument being played by the Gods. She then saw an old lady, with a hunch, wearing a cloak and she had a dagger in her hand, she was reciting some chants, which Zoe couldn't understand.

She was a sorceress. That to a very powerful one. Zoe threw a stone at her and sensed that the music in the background cannot be heard anymore and she had caused some trouble to the witch, by injuring her eyes. 

Zoe is going to be dead. The witch raged and shrieked, which left Zoe's ears bleeding. She could not hear anything. She ran and dived into the ocean. She swam deeper and deeper, then she saw an enormous drum glimmering with faint white and blue light. 

She saw a red button on the top of it and pressed the button. Nuclear fuel was stored inside the drum and when she pressed the button, a huge explosion immersed the entire symphonic, harmonious, mystical, hypnotizing island and shredded it to pieces, of which now only some precious stones could be found. 

Volcanus Symphonia still can be found in the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

“I am a soldier; I fight where I am told and I win where I fight!”

We are able to sleep peacefully on our beds only because some rough men and women are ready to protect us at all cost. Today, in the year 1999, India successfully took the commands of the high outposts which had been lost to Pakistan.

Fought for over 60 days, the day”Kargil Vijay Diwas” marks the victory of Indian Defense and now it's been two decades, we pay our tribute to the martyrs for their astounding courage and determination. Their lives, their contribution will be remembered forever and we are fortunate for them as our inspiration.

#KargilVijayDiwas #salutetosoldiers

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