Sunday 16 August 2020

Into The Tunnel : I

"It's great."
"Told you, it is."

Kili and Fili were swinging a swing. Not just a normal one, but an inconceivable one. It was more of a tunnel than a swing. It was dug from North pole to South pole! So when the buddies went in from the North pole, they were thrown briskly to the South pole and beyond (till the gravitational pull of the Earth could hold them), then again back to the North pole, went a little farther, and they were swinging constantly. Initially, they enjoyed, but then they started feeling nauseated. They wanted to get off of this peculiar thing. But they couldn't do anything.

Then Kili realized he and Fili had kept some tablets, what exactly it was, they didn't know. He called Fili and told him to take the tablets. They both did that, and after that, they felt even more nauseated for a while but then everything became slow. 

They were moving slowly, they could now see butterflies moving from one asteroid to another. Even the stardust far beyond seemed to come closer to them, the blistering hot core felt like a chilled snowstorm. Both of them felt relaxed. They had even started playing with rocks. They kept on laughing constantly, for no reason. 

I think you must have got it by now, they were hallucinating!

Amidst such chaos, they had thoughts of conquering the entire universe. Kili said to Fili, " The oceans are mine, you keep the clouds."

Fili said, "I will keep the clouds along with the landmass."

Kili agitated on the thought of his friend keeping two things leaving him with only one. He thought of murdering his twin in the swing and left him there. He had a stick which according to him was a sword. He held it in his hand like a warrior, swung it hard and………

To be continued

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