Friday 11 June 2021

An Interview with Generation Google Scholar 2021

Shreyashi Kumari
Co-Chairperson of IEEE SB NITP 2021-22
ECE- 2k19 Batch, NIT PATNA
Recipient of Generation Google Scholarship APAC 2021

Team IEEE interviewed her about her journey of success and asked a few questions regarding the scholarship. Here are some of her answers. 

  1. Well, competing in this scholarship is a big task to accomplish. Could you briefly tell us about its application process and the subsequent rounds?

Yes, sure! 

APAC Generation Google Scholarship is a program offered by Google every year for female undergraduate students of the Asia Pacific Region. It consisted of the following 3 rounds- The first one being the application shortlisting process consisting of the thorough review of the resume and the answers for the essay questions of the application. The second was the Google Online Challenge which was a timed test on the Google testing platform and at last an Interview Round with a Googler.

  1.  What was your overall experience in the entire process right from the application round to having a conversation with a googler? What are the other perks associated with it?

Yes, it was like a dream come true. The overall experience was really very good and memorable. Being shortlisted from approx 40,000 students across the Asia Pacific region, I felt extremely proud and delighted to get this opportunity to have a conversation with a Googler. The 45-minute long conversation was a great enriching experience for me. 

The recipients of this scholarship are offered a sponsored foreign trip to Google's office for the Retreat Program along with an opportunity to connect with fellow scholars. This year due to the COVID pandemic, there will be a virtual Retreat.    

  1. How being a part of IEEE helped not only with your technical skills but also in your overall development?

IEEE played an important part in my journey as I continued to learn and grow. It is a platform where one can learn the skills, get hands-on experience through collaborating in a team project and develop skills like time management and leadership qualities. Being a part of IEEE SB NITP I was able to hone my skills, worked collaborately in those unique events which it has conducted and gained the required experience and expertise both in technical and non technical domains. Being involved in technical clubs like IEEE help us grow and learn together.  

  1. A message for your juniors including some tips along with some experiences of your journey.

I would like to advise all my juniors that keep applying for these scholarship opportunities and stay motivated. Keep participating in events conducted by clubs, hackathons, workshops, give your best in every action you take. I wish you all the best and sincerely hope that you all too will be grabbing this scholarship and will bring laurels to our college in the coming years.

Thank You.

Heartiest Congratulations and Good Wishes for all your future endeavours!