Sunday 22 March 2020


In that time of tribulations, heart ached to hear the demise of the beloved John Arryn when the letter of your father Sam added to the misery. Everyone at Winterfell has believed in the coming dark threat and his theories about the virus, as all of us have faith in him but we were not alone.

There was a need to make everyone believe in it. Lord Eddard Stark has been worried sick about this deadly virus. We all were tensed, but we had to engage ourselves to see the arrangements as Winterfell expected the Baratheons and Lannisters to be there by anytime.

You know, I was not at all contended by this visit. I could see grand preparations everywhere but all I did was missing Sam as the men talked of celebration. Winterfell was in a state of revelry as King Robert announced Ser Eddard to be the new Hand of the King.

A grand feast was thrown on that day, which I didn’t wish to attend in the first place. But I went, as Sansa insisted. Loud music, gala time, Ser Tyrion and his jokes all were good and worth attending for, but the night was dark, rather for me. 

It was something I could never forget and would bring tears in my eyes. I just ran away from the celebration to my room. I was afraid. 

There was a knock at my door, then. I took a dagger as I opened the gate, but to my luck, it was Sansa and Jon. If it would not have been them, I might have completely broken up, my Little Sam. Alas, this remains another story, I’ll tell you someday.

King Robert was aware of the deadly sickness by dawn, as Lord Stark informed him after the party. Almost everyone believed it at first, though Queen Cersei and the Lannisters denied such presence. 

I guess this discussion ceased thereafter as everyone got into the preparations for their departure to King’s Landing. Upon Sansa’s request to her father, I also accompanied them to the capital while Lady Catelyn stayed back in Winterfell.

That dark night, Jon assured me that he will help me in saving the seven kingdoms and do every possible effort. Queen Cersei was already vexed at Sansa for rejecting Prince Joffrey, during the Lannister visit to the North. 

She convinced the small council to believe that the kingdoms had other important affairs to attend, and Joffrey’s marriage being the most prime. Nothing was happening, and fear encountered me. 

Lannisters were cruel to us, except Lord Tyrion, who had a tender spot in his heart and was a great reader claiming that a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone. 

Sansa and I started to learn using swords from Arya, the little brave girl, Sansa’s younger sister. Lord Tyrion’s knowledge inspired us a lot and these two things became our daily chores as nothing was happening regarding the virus outbreak.

Luckily Lord Stark found out that Joffrey was not the true heir of King Robert and rather he was a bastard born from Queen Cersei’s incestuous relationship with her twin brother Ser Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard. 

Queen fearing her crown and position asked Pycelle, the Grand Maester of the Citadel to visit the Castle Black. It was he who confirmed the news, and the queen believed it, but it was relatively late, a few months after we all reached King’s Landing.

Panic grew among all. Lord Varys’s spiders then confirmed the presence of Daenerys Stormborn, one of the last surviving members of House Targaryen, who ruled the seven kingdoms from the Iron Throne before King Robert’s Rebellion at Qarth along with her three baby dragons.

Daenerys denied the supply of ‘Shade of the Evening’ to Westeros and rather asked for the Iron Throne back, as she was the true heir to the throne in response to the request letter sent to her by the Hand of the King. 

Situations grew tense and then it was the Small Council who decided that Jon, Sansa, Lord Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the King and I will go to Essos; Qarth through the Narrow Sea along with Ser Davos; the onion knight’s ship. The journey was a good one. On our way, we thought of ways to persuade Daenerys. We reached Qarth and were presented before the Dragon Queen.

Finally, we all were able to convince her but in return, we had to give away the throne, other positions remaining the same though. We were all set for our return to Kings Landing along with Daenerys, her dragons, which have quite grown a bit and plenty of Shade of the Evening for the entire Westeros. 

We used our journey back to Westeros to lay out plans for finishing the sickness completely. Weeks passed. Jon spent a great time with Daenerys and her dragons throughout. Daenerys fell in love with Jon as they used to ride the dragons across the sea. We all were hopeful as we were about to reach our destiny. Our journey came to a halt, but not what we had expected.

We were welcomed by a huge army and a new king.

To be continued……

Stay tuned every Sunday, 7:00 PM for this amazing GOT crossover saga, an IEEE SB NITP ORIGINAL. And don’t forget to give your reviews/expectations in the comment section below.

Stay Safe. Stay Home.