Sunday 5 April 2020


Bodies everywhere, children crying for their dead parents, mothers looking for their sons in the rubble and waste in King’s Landing, after the War of Wrath. These were the sights with which we were greeted when we arrived. 

The Congregation of the Houses, all the Lords from all around Westeros came together to decide the future of our land. Lord Tyrell, Lord Tully and several others sat down together after decades to decide who would be the next ruler. The next King of the Andals and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.

Little Sam, I was there just as an observer, I had never seen such royalty and fancy people before. To say the least, I was very nervous. They all sat down and each of them had to put forth a name forward for the ruler of the kingdom. Lord Tyrion was the first to do so and he named ‘Sansa Stark’, everyone gasped and objected by saying that a woman wasn’t fit to be queen. Lord Tyrion defended her, he told everyone about how she had managed the North in times of Winter, prepared for war, persuaded Daenerys to come to Westeros. He told everyone about her remarkable managing techniques. The lords were impressed and declared Sansa The Queen of the Andals. 

The discussion then turned to the virus up in the North. For now, it was said to be contained beyond the wall. One of the Lords retorted, ‘What is it to us, let those wildlings die!’ Then in a rush of madness, I stood up in the middle of of all royalty in Westeros and reminded them the oath of the Night’s Watch,

“I am the sword in the darkness, 
I am the watcher on the walls,
I am the shield that guards the realms of men. 
The realms of men. Have you all forgotten that the realms of men include the wildlings? Have you all forgotten the sacrifices that Jon and all the other smallfolk in the country have made to protect them? Have you all no shame at all?” 

I don’t know where I got the courage from, I just couldn’t bear the fact that they were going to leave my people to fend for themselves. My Sam was also there, he was there fighting to keep these bastards alive. It filled me with fury.

Then Queen Sansa declared that the efforts of men won’t go to waste. They were bound by honor to protect them and they would not backoff like cowards. She sent the Shade of Qarth to the Night’s Watch along with men from Winterfell army. They went on their way a few moons ago and the Shade must have reached the wildlings by now. 

Now, all we can do is wait, Wait for news that the damned sickness is contained. Wait for my people to get better, gods be good. Wait for  happiness. Wait for when I can see my beloved Sam again…. 

We hope you liked the Crossover. Thanks for reading. IEEE SB NITP would like to once again remind its readers to obey the guidelines as issued by the Government and WHO. Stay home and stay safe. Please drop your views in the comment section and also tell us what other crossovers you would like to read.

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