Sunday 12 April 2020


RH. That was all that was written in of that program. All that was available. 


It was one of the most complex AI programs I had ever seen. I consider myself fairly good at development of codes, but this code was almost like a piece of art. I began poking around in it.

I had stumbled upon the program when I was browsing the dark web. I have an online alias, I'm known for writing algorithms and programs modelling AI. My alias was named 'Wasp.'

One day I got an anonymous message, which contained only a link. I followed up to it. What at first look seemed like an add-on to payment apps was much deeper than that. 
Five sleepless nights and I felt frission! What I found was both exciting and scary at the same time.

When I got in after such a tiring reckless hacking, I could see this AI was not dormant, it had been active and doing lots of work, without even prompting. A realization dawned on me, it had become self-aware.

I still couldn't figure out RH. It roamed around in my head and I dismissed it as maybe initials of the creator.

The AI had been getting all the details of the account through which payments had been made. It also had a huge database, which after some research and online stalking turned out to be broke college students, single moms, and homeless men. There were several payments made to them, small amounts, but enough for them to get through a particularly tough and a pathetic situation.

Little by little, I found many such acts of charity...if you call it charity. Money, coupons, donations, anonymous help basically. These people were being helped. The loss was just being suffered by the so called giant corporations, some of them which were known to exploit their employees. It was maybe a weird sort of justice that was being done by the creator, or maybe he had a personal vendetta with capitalists, or maybe a Marxist. I was confused.

Was this ethical? Even if it wasn't, I couldn't really bring myself to report this AI. I had seen some of the people they helped, it was almost like a miracle of God for them. In my entire life, I have never seen such a beautiful use of technology, and I will say it again, if you find it beautiful. Or I will just add as the twenty first century Robin Hood. 

Then suddenly it clicked, RH is short for Robin Hood. Happiness! 

Thanks for reading. IEEE SB NITP would like to once again remind its readers to obey the guidelines as issued by the Government and WHO. Stay home and stay safe. Please drop your views in the comment section.

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