Thursday 30 July 2020

Virtual Desktop - A Wonderful Technological Sensation

“What the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Sitting at one place consistently working and pondering over the same thing often leads to an indisputable distraction tough to overcome and many years ago, few technologies did rolled out to access computers outside our office but the work-accommodated laptops with annoying slow and buggy system proved it unreliable and fickle.

Virtual desktop is like any normal desktop but with the potential to be reached from anywhere in the world. The operating system and the personal data are all stored up in the network and like any traditional desktop, your programs and history stay intact as you left it at the end of your workday. 

The two major procedures for the expansion of virtual area of the screens are Switching desktops and Oversized desktops.

Switchable desktops were introduced to a larger set of audience by Tom LaStrange in swm in 1989. Being placed in a position x,y position on the computer’s display, windows of running applications are then placed at x,y positions on a given virtual desktop “context” instead. A switching desktop provides a pager for the user to switch between "contexts", or pages of screen space, only one of which can be displayed on the computer's display at any given time. 

Oversized  virtual desktop environments do not offer discrete virtual screens, but instead make it possible to pan around a desktop that is larger than the available hardware is capable of displaying. This facility is sometimes referred to as panning, scrolling desktops or view-port.

The virtue of this technology is its possible implementation in different ways. Desktop as a Service (DaaS) securely delivers virtual apps and desktops from the cloud to any location; either by public or private cloud-service. A form of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure hosted on clouds, there are no constraints of own premises data centres or managing infrastructures.

Virtual Desktops have their own set of advantages:

Easy Access Anywhere. Desktop Virtualization offers on demand access to resources anywhere anytime. Tasks completed with more efficiency and preciseness.

Increased security. Human minds can if they think about inventing a tremendous software, it has the power to develop its destruction. Previously antiviruses and firewalls were effective enough but now they are supplemental to network security. Since, data and backup are stored online, so corruption and data loss is near to impossible. Hackers would need credentials which will be tough for them to figure.

Centralizing sound the virtual desktop will directly affect the infrastructure costs eliminating the costs of servers, complicated hardware saving any enterprise millions of bucks.

Consider improved efficiency about completion of tasks with lower infrastructure costs; more liking icing on a cake.

Microsoft announced “Emerging Cloud PC” virtual desktop service rolling out in 202. It's a new offering built on the top of Windows Virtual Desktop to deliver Desktop as a Service. It provides business customers a modern flexible cloud-based Windows experience. Microsoft also plans to make “cloud pc” a Microsoft-365 experience where pricing is the key. According to an online article, where Windows Virtual Desktop pricing revolves around Azure consumption, Cloud PC sounds like a set subscription free.

This pandemic situation has made the world stop for a moment but neither our brain has stopped working nor our hands and legs and thus our work should not stop also. Virtual Desktop Service is a boon in this condition where one can resume his/her work right from the state he/she left where this global epidemic was announced. Indeed, these inventions are masterpieces like our minds.

Now, answer me this: What are the top three threats in the cloud and their accounted percentages according to Cloud Security Alliance?

“Sounds intriguing enough! We are going to ask you questions from our previous blogs and high-tech every Thursday and you have to answer it in the comment section. As we keep the count, the reader with the most number of correct answers gets a shoutout at the end of every month and exciting hampers at the end of the session. Do not miss this opportunity to increase your tech knowledge and win hampers at the same time.”

And yes! Do not forget to share this article with others and here are the references from where you can learn more:


  1. Virtual desktop is indeed a great read!

    1. Thank You. We hope for your reviews and suggestions ahead as well.
