Sunday 2 August 2020

Mysterious Magnetic Hill

Ladakh, the very word creates a portrayal of mysterious lands, snow peaks, and the constant efforts put by the soldiers at the border. This is undoubted, heaven on the earth. 

I was deputed as Colonel in Ladakh, earlier I worked at Sikkim and Leh also, but it was in winters and the prevailing temperatures of the place that always cause frigidness, never soothed me and never gave an opportunity to rejoice the glory of nature. 

Now this being summer, I am all excited to serve my duties, rejoicing the fairyland. As usual, I have chosen my bullet for travel. Centuries ago Shah Jahan said that if there is a paradise on earth then it’s in Kashmir. 

To that, I say that he did not visit Ladakh or would certainly have changed his opinion. Or maybe he did and included Ladakh as well when he said the word “Kashmir”. 

Out of the several enchanting places in Ladakh, there is one place that has mystified people for long and continues to do so. It is a small stretch of road located about 30 kilometers from Leh towards Kargil and known as Magnetic Hill of Ladakh. 

I was appalled by the stories people were narrating about the hill. I thought I should first visit this place and the rest after duty, as I have a couple of days to report. I found out the location of this acclivity.  On this particular part of the Srinagar – Leh highway, I saw a road ahead going uphill.

I turned off the engine and had let my vehicle stand in neutral so that I click some selfies and was vetting the behavior of hill. I was amazed to observe, my bike slowly started moving and as far as I know, it was going up by a speed of 20 kmph on its own. 

My co-passengers on the hill, the folks in a Safari brought it to a complete halt but moments later their TATA Safari; a vehicle completely loaded with luggage and passengers; still slowly gained momentum. 

I started being inquisitive and began digging the science behind this phenomenon and when started enquiring about people, there are a few different theories behind it. As per the most common theory, it was believed to be at work behind this mysterious phenomenon is a magnetic force so strong that it can pull cars uphill.

It is so notorious that even the airplanes that fly over this region increase their altitude to avoid magnetic interference. Some people are not aware of the mystery of the magnetic hill in Ladakh and just pass through here. 

I started speaking with the locals about the hill, villagers, in particular, they told me a different version of the story. As per them, here once lied a pathway that led straight to heaven. 

People who were deserving of it would automatically get pulled up; however, the undeserving ones could never make it up the path; no matter how hard they tried. For them, this entire concept and area are supernatural. 

Alas! For every scientific phenomenon, their lives a story indulging the superstitious beliefs. Later, after doing a lot of work, I came across a concept of optical illusion in neuroscience; which in layman’s language means that you either see something that is not there at all, or you see things differently than how they physically are. 

Out of the numerous optical illusions recorded, there is one of Gravity Hill; which means that a very slight downhill slope appears to be an uphill slope. Why it appears that way can be attributed to the obstructed horizon, either completely or mostly. Our eyes and minds are used to using the horizon as a reliable reference; to be able to tell if a particular slope is straight or if there is a slant. 

Without the horizon, we will not be able to tell for sure. The same concept works in aviation as well. Pilots up in the sky cannot see the horizon; and if it weren’t for the electronic equipment and gadgets; they would never be able to tell if the plane is flying straight, upwards, or downwards. 

This same concept applies to our Magnetic Hill in Ladakh. This is purely a natural optical effect caused by the specific layout of hills that obstruct the horizon. 

That short stretch of the road that appears to be uphill, as a matter of fact, is downhill; and this is the reason why cars slowly gain momentum. 

The hills in front of your eyes at this stretch are naturally laid out in such a manner that they will deceive your mind, and lead it to believe that you are going up. Since your eyes cannot clearly see the horizon, there is no way for your mind to contradict.


  1. Wow! That's interesting. Now, I feel intrigued thanks to your words, dear author!

    1. Thank You. We hope for your reviews and suggestions ahead as well.

  2. descriptive article with calm background.

    1. Thank You. We hope for your reviews and suggestions ahead as well.
