Sunday 9 August 2020

Insights of Nuclear Devastations

As every year, we have chosen our vacation spot to be Delhi and Haryana. I am being more desperate to visit the country's capital, the glory of Mughals, but more than this I had cravings to relish the traditional Punjabi food.

Ahh! It was a very long journey straight from Mumbai to Chandigarh. I was blown by the beauty of nature, undoubtedly it's a bliss to be on this land. Travelled a lot in Chandigarh and Haridwar. Now it's time to visit Kurukshetra. 

Although I'm not excited to visit holy places, I thought I can prove no nuclear weapons were used in the 18days fight, so known as Kurukshetra. We first visited Kurukshetra panorama and Science centre, where I was amazed and at the same moment astonished to see the proof that justifies a nuclear war. 

Did our old precursors have very trend-setting innovation matching the atomic abilities of today? Then a guide briefed us saying," There is proof from remnants in India supporting that guarantee. There are additionally antiquated fantasies, which depict scenes coordinating our cutting edge comprehension of nuclear fighting".

Although writings from a great many years prior appear to contain what could be deciphered as precise portrayals of atomic blasts, practically identical to the one in Nagasaki in World War II. Taking the incomparable Sanskrit epic from India called the Mahabharata. 

It recounts fate and devastation that Kurukshetra has caused in 18 days battle, with entries that appear to precisely portray the impacts and repercussions of an atomic war. Enormous blasts “more brilliant than a thousand suns” were recorded, just as cadavers consumed to the point that they were unrecognizable. 

There were likewise numerous different sections fitting the cutting edge portrayal of an atomic assault. As indicated by this legend, the individuals who endure the disaster lost their hair and fingernails a short time later, while nourishment supplies were polluted—this all matches our comprehension of the impacts of radiation harming and radioactive defilement in the fallout of a nuclear blast. 

A study says few plant specimens can be grown in the native soil of this place because of the nuclear devastations that occurred. It remains as a probability to certain researchers (who are now and again disparaged) that human advancements could have existed far back ever, which were similarly as cutting edge than our progress today. I wonder how people in ancient times managed to develop such hazardous weapons. 

As usually the myths and holistic people come in between supporting the past happenings as a bliss of Lord Krishna, while the other group says that both science and myths are together. Later on, the walls of the Science center displayed Astras were also used for defensive purposes similar to a Tesla Shield which is used to destroy the enemy Astra coming towards it. 

The modern "Tesla shield" discharges electrical energy and any incoming physical object which hits the shell receives an enormous discharge of that energy and instantly vaporizes. It can also be compared to the anti-missile air defense system of modern times. India has a Beyond Visual Range Air to Air Missile (BVRAAM) named Astra. 

Astra is designed to be capable of engaging targets at varying ranges and altitudes allowing for engagement of both short-range targets (up to 20 km) and long-range targets (up to 80 km) using alternative propulsion modes and the missile is technologically more sophisticated than the nuclear-capable Agni missile series of strategic ballistic missiles. 

Weapons used in MahabharataAstras like Brahmashira, Brahmasthra, Pasupatasthra, Vaishnavasthra, Narayana Astra, Agneyasthra, Vayavasthra, Nagasthra, Vajrasthra, Varunasthra, etc. were used in Mahabharata along with positive indications of the use of Nuclear weapons, otherwise, how could the war cause the death of around 1.5 billion people in a matter of 18 days. 

Later the tourist guide informed us about the studies that were taking place on soils of Kurukshetra by DRDO people and geologists, analyzing the chemicals that have been used in these Astras and constantly endeavouring to find traces of new elements. 

So finally an end was put to my foolishness that all nuclear discoveries that caused huge explosions and devastations were actually initiated from my land rather from Hiroshima Nagasaki.

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