Sunday 17 May 2020

Saga of Necropolis

Saga of Necropolis 

The ubiquitous saga of the universe, as the people of Necropolis, knew it then. It is the dusk of gloriously grandiloquent dimension. It is a melancholic tale of Iris. Iris had endured what no one in the multiverse ever had. 

When the galactic frost liquefied, the stygian voids in the space as we perceive it today were filled with trillion times more water than in the Pacific Ocean. The entire space was submerged in water and shimmering, dazzling dust of infinity stones. A blue blazing cube with a stone radiating immense energy in all directions fell into the voids of Iris. In the blink of an eye, the watery space was cool but not frosted, dark but not stygian, calm but not quiet again. 

Different stones occupied different dimensions. The one that came to Necropolis was space stone. Necropolis had never seen the birth but only death, was preparing for the nativity of a whole new world.  The world more beautiful than Terra. 


The space stone was kept on the haunted planet of Necropolis. A mad Titan Thanos came to know about this powerful stone. He made a deal with Yondu, a marsupial alien race of the planet Centauri to bring that stone to him. Yondu with his group of scavengers and Star Lord( aka Peter Quill) raided Necropolis. A war broke out between the guardians of the stone and them. Yondu bombarded much of the planet and in this bombardment the blue blazing cube which was acting as the protective shell for space stone broked. At that time no one had any idea about the power of that stone and that it's impossible for a normal entity to control it's power. But Star Lord being the result of genetic testing of EGO ( Ego who called himself "Bioverse" is a living planet, every part of its substance, including the atmosphere, is alive as much as it is controlled by his consciousness, it often transforms its surface to appear as a giant face to address powerful beings and can shape its terrain to suit the circumstances) was able to get hold of all the powers of that stone. Then on Yondu's orders he hands over that stone to Thanos. But as soon as Thanos with his intent to destroy the entire universe touches the space stone there was a flash of exuberant energy and light.


None of the inhabitant apart from Star Lord could withstand that explosion and Necropolis turned to stardust. Star Lord flowed unconscious in the space and the Infinity stone was lost in the grandeur of shimmering cataclysmic singularity. No one has seen such spontaneous events of a prominent scale ever in the history of the universe. What if we lift our eyelids to see the morning sun and what reveals itself to us is the Space Stone?

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