Sunday 24 May 2020

Tony's Travelogue

International Space Museum, somewhere in the 23rd Century :

A group of students and their science teacher with them. 

“Gather around kids, here’s the relic from a galaxy far, far away, The Arabiattan Atmos.

“Growing up, we all want to achieve great things, sometimes it’s to be famous and immortal, somethings it’s being rich, sometimes, it’s just being the best at what you do. 

As a kid, the space always fascinated Anthony aka Tony (by his loving one). The absolute uncertainty of what lies beyond the realms of our galaxy eluded him for a long time. The unknown and uncertain was what fueled his 9 year old young mind. 

He worked on that curiosity, like one of the genius said before him, “I have no special talent, I’m just passionately curious,” Guess, we had a genius right here.

The pandemic which humanity went through in 2020, revealed something even more eluding. We supposedly had an alternate timeline where the time was reversed. Well, go figure and satisfy that curiosity.”

“Fast Forward 20 years later….,

The International Space Agency thought of something awesome yet scary.

It was a suicide mission, millions were being spent on it but they had to try, one trial, if it were successful, it could change our entire vision of how we viewed time. 

Our very own Tony, now grown up and now known Anthony was chosen for this sucide mission. 

Time passed by, the humans had lost all hope for finding Anthony ever again. It was just hopeless. Meanwhile Anthony stuck in the alternate dimension was struggling to figure out what was happening to him. He could not comprehend the bizarre reality that had unfolded. He was growing young!

At first it had been difficult to notice but slowly he could see the difference he felt, the wrinkles were gone, scars healed themselves, it was strange, really. But he was now sure of it, it was like Benjamin Button in real life. 

How he got back on earth was a source of case study for the coming generations. It was one of the most crafty techniques that has ever been used. Robert as a child was obsessed with builds of roboships and growing up while his PhD had designed a few himself. In his struggle to come back, his main issue was the damage to the roboship. 

As absolute geniuses go, he went ahead and designed a new one from scratch. Disintegrated his original ship and built a separate one entirely. Surprisingly that design is still used for the further space explorations we do.

“So, you see kids, by the time Anthony finished his going back, he was back in his twenties. Reaching earth would take at least a few years. Coming back, he didn’t realize the time difference would take him back another 10 years. It was crazy.

“He landed back on earth, 10 years after he had originally left. But this time, it wasn’t Anthony that came back, but it was Tony, the ever so curious 9 year old.”

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