Sunday 7 June 2020

All of the Stars II

Hey readers, if you have missed the first part of All of the Stars, please find it here:

We hope you have a good read of the second part of All of the Stars;

Yesterday, today and tomorrow are not consecutive, they are connected in a never-ending circle. The end is the beginning, and the beginning is the end.

Science could be complicated, if you don’t think the other way; and could be simple, if you work on it. Months after months graphs like the previous ones and stress came out of the machine, leaving no clue to Ema, Sheeran being her only support, like a false hope for her to not give up. Those outputs, day after day, started being pinned at the bulletin by Ema at her room.

Ema don’t you dare to turn off the TV, the alienx will be revealed today!, exclaimed Peter. Ema smiled, like she confessed her heart out to Eric and they both are finally together, her smile was one of happiness growing, much as a spring flower opens. He probably now could see how it came from deep inside to light her eyes and spread into every part of her. She smiled with more than her mouth, and he heard it in her voice, in the choice of her words and the way she drove to the tasc force station.

It's just another evening, and I’m staring, I saw a smile and thought of her, while she sang a lullaby by the tasc side and knew I was there, on the other side, and she wondered if I could see the stars too! Little did she know, what would my messages actually mean, but she was close to them, as she took the analog cathode ray oscilloscope, coded a word and examined that Lissajous pattern carefully.

The peak, and its significance, the amplitude of “We have stars around, yes, and I can see them too”, as she cracked the first one and I sent another one, “Great, going Ema! You get me finally.”

Our body is a host for a plethora of microorganisms, what if actually, we are the parasites? I don’t want to confuse you readers, so I will just come to my point. The gay bizarre while she decoded them all brought me comfort, but I cannot still falsify that she got so far away from me into Ed’s dimension, the Earth’s dimension. She got the peaks and understood the encryption and still she can’t see the stars I see.

Unlike the meshed cables, it was getting simplified at one end, while complicating at the other, at my end. I wonder why I loved stars so much, afterall I am here just because of them and I could have been with my people right now, but I chose Mission Worm, my escape to touch those twinkling dots I watched with Ema from the terrace. Fandom is beautiful, and limelight is all we seek, accept or not, an inch of us aches for it, and when it comes with the religion you have accepted as yours, it ain’t given second thoughts. Somehow the astronism in me made me all set in a space-suit and make a visit to the unbottled kinetic energy of dance and the unexplored land to walk, should I have thought of anything else? You never know, what's next. Don’t be quick as life is just too different here, Eric the worm-lead all over the news, but just not there all over, and actually here, missing her.

Memory is a lived, morphing experience and not some static file from which we withdraw dates, time and photographs. Static memories are the domains of computers and not really bear the kind humans have, this has been driving me so far to reach out, thanks to the Escapalator. I reached my hands out in the dark atmos, to wait for hers to interlock, and I did my best. Now when I look back into Ema, all I will say is that the genius of our brain’s construction remains so shrouded when compared to the much evident brain of the computer, that we miss to live what we lived and create our own parallel existence in the Milkyway.

Leave Brain and intelligence, Heart again is such a complicated organ of the body, right? Whether it’s science or fiction, every story is somehow connected to heart, the muscle, the size of a fist that keeps us alive, and sometimes it’s the metaphorical one, the source of love, a photograph of all the stars we saw. I can’t give up, all that she is, is all I'll ever need, is the only thing that strikes me of Ed after all of our stars, and I sent a message again.

The excited pulse signals the blue dazzle brought this time was a different hit, meaningless like a word from beyond the world but I got what I never expected, a meaning, she opened her eyes and saw how our horizons met, and all those blue lights lead into the talks with me, and I know these different dimensions will bleed, but both of our hearts believe, the stars will guide us home.

Everything that came to his past and her present was influenced, like the pawns on the chessboard and future controlled it and the relativity showed it. Eric smiled as she looked into the sky with the telescope, that falling star like a slanting silver rope on the loose earth sent love to their seed.

This journey has been a real beautiful one and now it’s the time to say a  goodbye! Well, this does not mean we are ending our Sci-Fi Sundays, but now it’s the time for new writers and their new stories. We hope you have by far loved all our works and you enjoyed reading this IEEE SB NITP original as we complete our fifty blogs today! Do drop your comments.


Charulata, Priyansh, Akansh, Aditi

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