Friday 5 June 2020

Nurture the Nature

Don't think you alone can't change the world. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "To see a change in the world, you need to be that change," and so you need to start it yourself these small things:

1) Try carrying your own cloth bag to the market instead of using plastic ones available at the store.

2) It will just take a minute to keep a bowl of water at your roof for the birds. Your one minute will make their day, for they are creatures too and unlike us privileged from the second we are born, they find their fundamental sources by themselves. Help them out!

3) Avoid running taps while brushing or washing hands. Use it only when required.

4) Try saving paper, giving away study materials instead of dumping them somewhere.

5) The puppies or cows by the street could be given that extra food rotting in your refrigerator and going to the wasted, it's much better than those animals eating plastics and waste.

6) Just don't throw your eateries wrappers on the streets.

Together let's all not just move ahead with technology and sustainability but also with ethics and small efforts. This World Environment Day, let's keep these points in mind.

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